Seventh grade has given me many fun memories, but here are three. One of my favorite memories was from core in Ms. Moffat. I loved in it that class because of the seating. I liked how she let us pick our own seats and sit where ever we want. Furthermore, I also liked in her class the types of chairs. There was a dining table where you could sit at, circle chairs, and normal seats. This gave us a variety of places to sit at. Another memory that I made was in Ms. Lockman science class. I liked how she did tons of different types of labs with us and even when we weren’t being that well, she still gave us candy treats and candy type labs. Also, she would always make it fun and every time after a test, she would let us play games. Lastly, my third memory from school was at lunch. A memory that I made in lunch was fighting for tables. People would see who could get a table and who would back off first. Sometimes it would last the whole lunch and no one got to eat anything or it would last a few seconds. This was a very fond memory because when we got the table we would feel accomplished and happy. In conclusion, this year has been a very fun time at school and I have made a tons of fond memories.
20 Percent-Week 6
This week 6 I got a lot done. I was able to accomplish finishing my trifold, script and everything I need to do for the project. Also, I read over my script sometimes with my parents and it sounds good to go. Some struggles that I interfered with was some parts on my trifold. On my trifold, I was thinking of adding a black background with white spots to imitate a chess board. Then I realized you wouldn’t be able to see the titles because I used black sharpie for it and couldn’t erase it. Then, I made some adjustments and was able to just leave the background blank white but add some more information on my trifold. All in all it turned out better than I expected and I am happy with what I have done and ready to present to the class and to other parents on Wednesday.
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is coming up and I have one person to give my thanks, my mother. My mom is important to me because she takes always thinks of me before her and takes great care of me. When I am hungry my mom always makes my favorite food even when I don’t ask. Furthermore when I have activities or hobby’s I need to go to my mom always drives me and takes her work calls in the car. Secondly, at my birthdays or holidays my mom always goes above and beyond for the gifts that she gives me. Furthermore her gifts always makes me smile and laugh. A memory that she has given to me is that when my sister and I fight she tells us that we have to take care of each other because when her and my father are gone we will only have each other as family blood. In conclusion, my mom is the best mom in the world and I couldn’t ask for a different one.
20 Percent Project-Week 5
For Week five of the Twenty Percent Project, I accomplished a lot. I have watched videos about how to save pawns and protect my king and have reached 1430 for my puzzle elo. The struggle was that my main elo dropped some. This was because I did not know how to checkmate with a rook. After that game I read my chess book about how to checkmate with a rook and how to win pawns. This helped me with my puzzles. I will make an adjustment. The adjustment will be spending more time learning about endgame then the middle and openings. This is because my matches go to endgames usually. I will pick off next time on my trifold and reading my chess book about new tactics that I can do against my opponents. In conclusion, I got a lot of things done today for this week five for twenty percent project and some struggles. I
Rad Reading-April

This April I read the book The Golden Swift by Lev Grossman. This book is the second book to the series The Silver Arrow and is a fiction book. The Golden Swift is about how Kate and her brother Tom are now both conductors of a Magical Railway but Kate is now getting bored and tired of not being able to share her cool hobby to other kids. One day, when Kate and her mother were looking for her uncle Herbert, she finds out that he’s missing. This is when Kate goes on her own to look for her uncle with the help of a bird, wolverine, and her brother Tom.
I appreciated this book because of the plot and story. Usually in series, where there are only two books, the second book isn’t very good. This wasn’t the case for The Golden Swift. The author did a great job still incorporating the magic and the animals from the second book but also added new characters like a new train, and conductors. Also, furthermore I loved how the author at the end still wrote about the animals from the first train which Kate and Tom conducting in the first book.
My favorite character in the book was the Cassowary. This is because when Kate and Tom were looking for a train to ride on to find their uncle, the Cassowary helped them. Also, the Cassowary was the world’s most dangerous bird and was able to pin down a wild wolverine who trashed Kate and Toms uncles house. A quote to prove this is “it was like he’d hit a wall: He reverse course in midair and flew backward up the stairs. The cassowary climbed up on him.”
My favorite quote from the story is “In France there’s a place called the Red zone, where some of the worst battles of World War One were fought. A hundred years later the ground is still so full of poison gas and unexplored bombs and grenades that no people can live there. But animals do. This quote shows that animals can find any place to live in and they want to live here because there are no humans to hunt them down or kick them out. I liked this quote because I never thought of it that way. Usually when there are pigeons or insects I kill them or shoo them off. I never thought that they just want a place to live in just like how we live here on Earth.
20 Percent Project-Week 4
For this twenty percent project week four, I have changed my goal to become a fifteen hundred puzzle elo and a one thousand three hundred rapid elo. Also this week was great because I have reached a higher puzzle elo and I now have a 7 streak of puzzles and chess games. I have also made four new achievements of doing new openings such as the Solar opening, the Cow opening, Ruy Lopez opening, and lastly winning a chess game in under one second. I feel as now it is week four and I have learned a lot of knowledge about chess. Before when I first started I had a hard time with low one thousand elo’s. This is because I used to blunder a lot of pawns and lose them. Now I can consistently beat lower one thousand elo’s. In conclusion I have gotten a lot better at chess and will soon get better in the soon weeks.
20 Percent Project-Week 3
For this week, I struggled a bit with winning games. My elo dropped a bit but I learned a lot about time. The thing that took me down was my time. I was too slow to respond and this is why I lost chess games. The important thing was that after that I played some blitz games which is three minute games. This helped me because before I was playing rapid which is 10 minute chess games. (Disclaimer: I am trying to get my rapid chess elo up to a 1500). After I played a few blitz games, I became faster and was able to make my moves a lot faster than before. Now, that my speed is acceptable, I need to work on not hanging pawns. I can do this by looking at the whole board not just my side but my opponents too. This will make it so I don’t hang that much pawns anymore.
The Best Neighbor
You move into a new house. You see your neighbor in your garden look at you sternly as you drive up your new curb. You want to greet them and become a good neighbor, but you don’t know how. Here’s a few ways you can become a good neighbor. First, make a tradition with them like bringing them baked goods or fruits and vegetables to their door. Don’t do this too much though, it may get annoying. Always knock on their door first and if they don’t respond don’t keep knocking just leave your gifts on the front door. Secondly, when you drive in your car or go outside your home to grab your mail always wave at them or tell them a joke. This will make them think you are more trustworthy and they will wave to you back or laugh. Thirdly, invite them to your party’s. If you’re throwing a party for your birthday just tell them they can swing by. This will give them the idea that you want them at your party and will invite you to their party’s. Only invite them if it’s for your birthday or something you accomplished and not for someone else or it will be weird. In conclusion, these three examples will surely make you the best neighbor in the whole world.
20% Project Week 2
For week two of the 20% project, I played a few chess games. Also, I watched a few videos on how to checkmate with a pawn. This week was amazing because I was able to win a few games and reach a elo high of 1275. In my game review I struggled with my middle game. This was because my opponent had better pawns in the middle of the board while mine was still at the start. In the end my endgame was still better than his and I won. I might make some adjustments like learning more middle game strategies and tactics instead of openings and endgames. I will pick up next time with playing a few more games to reach 1300 and watching a few videos about middle game tactics. In conclusion, I accomplished a lot and am happy with my progress as this is still just week two for the twenty percent project that we are doing.
The Blue Platypus
Once upon a time, there was a hidden village in Panama which in that hidden village lived a Blue Platypus named Perry. Everyone in the village would always tell mean things to Perry because he was the only blue colored platypus in the village. Perry never cared what other people thought. His dream was to reform his village. This was because of all the problems that were going on in his village. One problem that stood out from the rest was the lack of water in his village. A few weeks ago the river that the platypus got their water source from, suddenly the water disappeared from the river. This meant that the platypus had to travel a lot farther than where they usually go and would face dangers getting there. Perry knew he had to do something. He had been staying up all night trying to figure out a plan. One day, while Perry was brainstorming ideas, he looked outside his casement to see some baby platypus digging up in a small sand pit. Then it struck him, what if there was water under him and they could make their own river channel. Perry then fled out of his house and went straight to the village leader. “Village leader! Village leader! I propose a idea to bring back our water source!” The village leader looked at him sternly, “well what are you waiting for then, tell me!” Perry then told the village leader his idea about digging a water source. “Hmm, let’s give it a shot then” the village leader stated. Perry bursted with joy and went back to his home. The next day the village leader, Perry and the whole village went outside to dig. What they found surprised them. There was a whole water source under them that they never knew! The village cheered and gave a round of applause to Perry. No one ever teased Perry anymore and praised him as a hero. He now has a statue and a cartoon made after him.